Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 for the Allan & Joseli Neal Family

2010 was an exciting year for the Neals.

I was able to study for and pass my Amateur Radio Operators license exams and got my Technician and General at the same time in January and then upgraded to Extra in June. I'm currently serving as the 1st counselor in the Elders Quorum Presidency and helping quite a bit with scouts, I enjoy camping as much now as I did as a boy. I'm still working at Turner Broadcasting helping get our configuration management system to manage all our applications, no small job.

Josie worked hard as the Assistant Cub Master until she was released in the fall. She has continued to help and has taken on the roll of Cub Scout advancement chair. She is still overseeing the records and making sure the boys get the awards they have earned. Josie went on a one week trip with her best friend, Susan, to Bangkok, Thailand in the fall. They had lots of fun and brought back some cool souvenirs. Spending money on this fun trip came from Josie making a wedding dress for a friend of the family.

The dress is beautiful and Josie was thanked for making her dream wedding dress. Josie also got her Technician Amateur Radio license. Her call is KJ4VPP.

Ethan finished Elementary School and moved on to Middle School. With the start of 6th grade comes the choice to start learning an instrument and joining the band. Ethan has chosen the trumpet, which is good as Dad has his old trumpet around. Ethan is enjoying learning to play the trumpet. The braces he received this year haven't been much of a hindrance. Ethan also, as an 11 year old scout, worked his way up to the Rank of First Class Scout. He has earned several merit badges including a couple of Eagle required merit badges. Ethan also studied for and got his Technician Amateur Radio Operators license. His call is KJ4VPO. In December both grandpas helped ordain Ethan a Deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood.

Corinne finished the dreaded 3rd grade and is now in the 4th grade. She really likes her teacher this year as do Mom and Dad. He is a good teacher. Corinne has started learning to use the sewing machine this year and has made some pajamas for her American Doll, Elizabeth. She has her mom's talent for sewing. Corinne is doing chorus again this year at school. Corinne attended the Sewing Expo with her Mom and Grandma this year as well and is looking forward to attending again. Another skill she has learned this year was felting, decorating fabric with wool fibers and a barbed needle.

We had a lot of fun flying out west this summer and visiting grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.